
Past Event

Amelia Moore - Intersectional Ecologies

May 4, 2021
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Centered around her experiences as an anthropologist of the Anthropocene and her positionality as a woman of color in the American academy, this talk explores three projects that have shaped the way Amelia Moore thinks about global environmental change. As a student researcher in the Bahamas, she struggled with the limits of conventional interdisciplinary conservation science. Working with a coral restoration project in Indonesia made her painfully aware of the pitfalls of uni-vocal witnessing. And helping to re-materialize the island of Manisses in the state of Rhode Island revealed the narrow categories of inclusion and exclusion that constrain any real possibility of a just energy transition. Amelia Moore will explain how these projects led me to become a small part of a network of diverse scholars who argue that we gain practical, analytic, and ethical insight from the intersections of theory, history, geography, social categories of difference, ways of knowing, lived experiences, and forms of being. She will conclude by sharing how she now sees these insights as essential for our evolving understandings of climate change and climate justice.

Event Speakers

  • Amelia Moore, Associate Professor of Marine Affairs at the University of Rhode Island
  • Chaired by Alex Halliday, Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University

Event Information

Free and open to the public; registration required. Please email [email protected] with any questions. 

Part of the Climate and Society series. Hosted by

Contact Information

Center for Science and Society
(212) 853-1612