Sustain What? Exploring Climate Visualization Frontiers on #ShareYourStripes Day
On Monday June 21, ”Show Your Stripes Day,” meet several innovative climate communicators led by Ed Hawkins, a climate scientist at the University of Reading whose “Warming Stripes” visualizations turn temperature data at different scales of space and time into into engaging patterns. They’re now in TV reports, on ties and dresses, even in knitting kits. Explore at
But do such visuals matter? We’ll explore the work and a recent research paper examining whether the stripes and a host of other climate visualizations are working. Read up ahead of time here:
Also joining the discussion:
- Alex Radtke, a German engineer who’s carried the warming-stripe patterns into the future by using climate-model output to show temperatures depending on which emissions pathway humans take.
- Representatives from the Tempestry Project, a climate-focused collective of fiber artists and knitters selling kits with which anyone can create a scarf or wall hanging with various data sets.
Your host is longtime science journalist Andy Revkin, now at the Columbia Climate School. Find all the communication-focused shows in this playlist:
Right after our chat, at noon US Eastern time, the organization Climate Central is hosting a 30-minute workshop on how journalists and meteorologists can use warming stripes and related tools:
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