
Past Event

Hacking for Humanity Information Session

July 14, 2021
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Hacking for Humanity Information Session
with Joy Fairbanks, adjunct faculty at Columbia Business School

Wednesday, July 14
7-8 PM ET
Virtual meeting details included in RSVP confirmation email.

Are you someone with a promising startup?  A highly skilled individual with interest in helping propel venture ideas to reality?  Or a collaborative faculty or alumni advisor? 

Please join us for an information session about Columbia University's Hacking for Humanity to ask questions, learn about the hackathon in September, and network with the cross-campus and beyond community of students, researchers, faculty, alumni, professionals and community experts interested in startups that will make a tangible impact on humanity and the planet. 


About the Hackathon
Hacking for Humanity
 at Columbia University will harness the diverse talent and resources of the campus community and beyond to solve pressing global challenges affecting people and the planet. 

For three days, students, alumni and researchers from across the campus will form interdisciplinary teams to design and develop innovative solutions to urgent problems, refine their ideas with advice from experienced mentors, and pitch their startups to expert judges. 

These venture teams will develop valuable entrepreneurial experience, build professional relationships inside and outside the university, and compete to win both awards and prizes to further develop their ventures. 

The Hackathon is organized by the Tamer Center for Social Enterprise at Columbia Business School, in collaboration with Columbia Entrepreneurship, Columbia Technology Ventures, School of Engineering and Applied Science, School of Bio-Medical Engineering, Columbia Data Science Institute, Climate School/Earth Institute, Columbia World Projects, Brown Institute at Columbia School of Journalism, GSAAP, Mailman School of Public Health, SIPA, Columbia Law School, Global Columbia Collaboratory, student groups across campus and more.

Contact Information

Tamer Center for Social Enterprise